Domain Management

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Domain Purchase & Renewal

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While managing online domain renewal invoices seems simple, imagine if that renewal comes once every five or ten years? That's right . . . you can purchase domains for up to ten years which makes them ripe for a process breakdown. You may ask, how can that be? Well, here are two standouts scenarios some of our clients have encountered:

SCAMMERS - Most people are used to paying invoices on a monthly and even annual basis. But if you purchase a domain for ten years, will you remember the name of your domain registrar when it's up for renewal? Many forget which is how they fall prey to scammers who send renewal notices which they inadvertanly pay. Unfortunately, they either lose their money or their domains. And getting your domain back is almost impossible without litigation, especially if the scammer is outside of the US.

EMPLOYEE TURNOVER - If an employee is tasked with managing your domain(s), there's a high probability that in five or ten years, they may no longer be with the company. This means domain renewal notices are going nowhere. Over the years, we've had numerous clients contact us about their website being down only to find out that their domain name expired. That's when the nightmare begins.

So, to be safe, let ICBits take care of things for you.

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What Clients Say

  • BJ Baas Builders, Inc.

    [Michelle] goes the extra mile to help make any transitions as smooth and pain-free as possible.

    Hannah Snippen
    - Office Manager -
  • You are wonderful to work with! I would not be a reference for the other web person I work with.... :-(
