The Morris Foundation - Estranged Parents and Children
This project was a treat! One of our former banking colleagues contacted ICBits to help with a project she and her mother were putting together. They saw the need and filled the need.
Basically, the Founder found herself searching for resources to help her cope with an estrangement from her child. She read several good books that helped her understand the possible causes and learned that estrangement is very prevalent but not often discussed. After seven years of researching books, reviewing videos, and listening to podcasts she believed it was her God-given mission to share these resources to help others who might be dealing with the same challenges.
Starting from scratch, they hired ICBits to not only build them their resource website, but also help with their branding and marketing needs.
- SERVICES: ICBits Website / Parked Page / Logo Design / Domain Management / Hosting Services / Email Services / Marketing / Website Mgmt.